Empresa consultora

Meseta Medioambiental

Environmental Testing, Consulting, Investigating & Sampling Services

Plateau Environmental is a Professional Engineering/Industrial Hygiene firm providing a unique menu of environmental testing services, typically only offered in the larger cities in the Southwest of Colorado. Services are offered in Durango, Telluride, Ouray, Montrose, Crested Butte, Delta, and everywhere in between.

Our experience base is formed by over twenty years of building-oriented diagnostics and investigation in structures as diverse as power plants, hospitals, schools, and commercial and residential properties.

Plateau strives to provide the most cost-effective solutions for the problem at hand. We value your health as we value ours. The place where you live or work should be a source of health and well-being, not a source of discontent and contamination.

Ponte en contacto con

Kris Lakin

Correo electrónico: chris@plateauenv.com

Teléfono: (970) 252-1363



Empresa consultora

Meseta Medioambiental

Environmental Testing, Consulting, Investigating & Sampling Services

Plateau Environmental is a Professional Engineering/Industrial Hygiene firm providing a unique menu of environmental testing services, typically only offered in the larger cities in the Southwest of Colorado. Services are offered in Durango, Telluride, Ouray, Montrose, Crested Butte, Delta, and everywhere in between.

Our experience base is formed by over twenty years of building-oriented diagnostics and investigation in structures as diverse as power plants, hospitals, schools, and commercial and residential properties.

Plateau strives to provide the most cost-effective solutions for the problem at hand. We value your health as we value ours. The place where you live or work should be a source of health and well-being, not a source of discontent and contamination.

Ponte en contacto con

Kris Lakin

Correo electrónico: chris@plateauenv.com

Teléfono: (970) 252-1363

